Friday, August 16, 2013

Some deeper thoughts

So, today I got to try to share some Bible stuff (the creation story) to Ajax. He's never really been involved in church before. He's gone a couple of times, but he doesn't hesitate to admit that he's not familiar with the Bible or anything like that.

There's nothing like trying to explain the Bible to a child. If you haven't done it, I can't wait until you get to. IT's very... refreshing. They don't care about theology. Denominations don't bother them. They just formulate their own ideas and opinions without anyone else's bias. It's really kinda cute to hear their theories about they whys and hows of the Bible.

But anyway, it kinda got me thinking about what, at it's core is my faith? And how might I summarize it, which immediately made me think of the creeds (Nicene and Apostles' Creeds). So here is my take on a creed :)

I believe in one God, the creator of all things,
Who exists in three persons; Father Son, and Spirit.
The Father is the King of all things, and all things bow to His authority.
The Son is Christ Jesus, born in the flesh to a virgin, Mary.
He walked and taught for thirty years, and then was
Crucified, buried for three days, and then rose again, conquering death.
He was witnessed by many before He returned to heaven,
From where He will return to bring an end to all things.
The Spirit is the breath and will of God, who speaks
On our behalf when we pray and guides us in righteous life.
I believe in the symbol of baptism, the observation of communion,
The permanence of salvation, the exclusive salvation by faith,
And the importance of a righteous life.

I'm sure there are more things, and this will probably change over time, but that's a pretty good start, I think. So how about it? What are some things you'd put in a creed if you had one? What might you leave out?

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