Thursday, January 16, 2014

An amusing yet poignant story...

So, a few weeks ago, our pastor shared this story, and I've not forgotten it. Thought I'd share :)

A member of the local Baptist church comes into the atrium one Sunday, 15 minutes early, as usual, heads through the line for free coffee, as usual, says "good morning" to the greeter and deacons, as usual, and heads through the double doors to get their usual seat near the rear of the auditorium. Not so far back as to look like they need distance from the speaker, but not so far forward as to be too close, either.

Well, what shock and surprise truly comes to our devout Baptist friend then to see, of all things, a BUM sitting in their spot! He's dressed in, well, honestly the term rags might be a bit generous, and his hair looks as though it's not been washed in weeks. Oh, and the SMELL! This must be some poor whino who's stumbled in here expecting the afternoon soup kitchen.

Being, as I've said, a devout Baptist, our friend makes an effort to welcome the guest. "Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you as well. I'm glad you're here today. I've heard this message should be pretty good" says the stranger, flashing what must be intended as a kind smile.

"Ahh...." manages our friend. "Well, you see, I, um... don't mean to be rude but... Well, you see, I usually sit here."

The man puzzles for a moment and then seems to get what's going on. "Oh, you mean in this exact spot! I thought you mean in the room here! How silly!"

Our friend smiles and nods. "That's fine. No harm done."

The two look at each other awkwardly for a minute or so.

"Oh... you want me to move..." says the stranger.

Our friend nods.

The stranger motions them to lean close and, though it's fairly disgusting, and our friend decides not to mention it to his friends later, he complies.

"You see, I'm expecting someone today. There's a man coming in today, been homeless for almost ten years, who ran from God many years ago. I want to be here to talk with him."

Our friend adds 'crazy' to the list of descriptive adjectives they'll use to describe this man at prayer group.

"Oh, sorry," starts the stranger, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jesus."

Our friend just stares...

"You know, the Christ... Prince of Peace, Almighty God, Yahweh..."


"Well, Jesus, I'm sorry bu you've taken my place."

A sort of sadness seems to seep into the strangers face. With a look in his eyes that almost makes our friend weep, he simply says:

"Well, I've taken your place before, and you didn't seem to mind then..."

Wow, that gets me. like, really gets me. Ouch! Right in the conviction! How often do I do that?! How often do I get so set in my ways that I blatantly ignore the voice of God! Sometimes it's tradition. Sometimes it's schedule. Sometime's it's habit. Sometimes it's sin. Sometimes it's carelessness. But all too often, it happens. *shudder*

See, this hits me really hard because I'm weird. Well, some of you might think i'm weird, some of you may suffer the same affliction as me. When I hear/read a narrative, I see it. My imagination spins it into a visual. And man alive, what a potent visual this story begets.

To imagine looking into the eyes of God, the One who made me... the One who DIED for me!... and having the impertinence to insist on going my own way and ignoring His loving admonition to be better!


Such is the human condition I suppose. But whenever I think of this story (or even that last line), I silently purpose to myself to try harder to listen to Him. As I suppose we all should.

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