Or rather, how 'Hector', our youngest's, reaction to Cars reminds me of heaven.
So, something I've always struggled to grasp is the idea of heaven. Some people talk about heaven as though it's one unending song-fest. And while I love singing a lot, it really doesn't sound that appealing on an eternal scale.
But recently, I've had an epiphany, courtesy of our youngest boy here, "Hector". See, a few weeks ago, he bought himself a copy of the Cars movie (the one with all the secret agent stuff). Since then, he's watched it probably more than a dozen times (I'm not exaggerating). And he still loves it! He laughs at all the jokes as though it was the first time hearing them! He oohs and aahs at all the right places! He even speaks almost half the lines with the characters!
And it hit me: this is just a movie, but to him, it's so much more. How much more so will heaven be! All of our needs will be met, be they physical, emotional, or spiritual. In the glow of that toal fullfillment, we could probably just sit for eternity and be totally fine, but we won't. Christ will create a new heaven and earth for us to enjoy!
This post is a little short, but after so long absent, I wanted to break back in with something quick and simple. Hopefully I'll be writing a little more regularly :)
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